Children's Literature @ NYPL

Booktalking "Dogtag Summer" by Elizabeth Partridge


Her Vietnamese name sounds like the call of shorebirds, but they call her Tracy in America.

Vietnam was where she knew her mother's protection, and her father was an American soldier. One of her best friends in Vietnam, Stargazer, kept her company there. People gave him no peace about his name. However, the soldiers brutalized her in Vietnam, and the intrusive memories of that flood her brain. 

In America, Tracy's adoptive parents cannot seem to converse without argument. Tracy's dad, a Vietnam vet, wants to withdrawal, and her mother refuses to leave him alone. The girl wishes that the conflict would cease. 

The transplanted youth is assimilating to life in the United States. American food and culture are no longer foreign to her. She wants harmony in her house, and she misses her mother and Stargazer from Vietnam. Maybe in some way this new land will become home.

Dogtag Summer by Elizabeth Partridge, 2011