Booktalking "Millions of Cats" by Wanda Ga'g


An old man and a woman live in a beautiful house in the countryside, but they are lonely without any other people or animals about. Enter cats. Millions of cats. The gentleman set out to find a cat, and.... lo and behold.... a hill stood before him, abundant with felines. He chose only one, but more and more cats were stealing his heart. He saw so many that he wanted to take, and so he took them all. The felines formed a long line thru the fields following him home. They drank up an entire pond and ate all of the grass that they could see. 

But when the man took the cats home, the couple realized that they could not afford food for millions of cats. The cats began to argue and fight with each other in such a small space. A solution eluded the people. Which cats could stay, if any?

Millions of Cats by Wanda Ga'g, 1928

Books about cats