Career Services

Mother's Day for Working Moms

Mother's Day Brunch at Park Lane. Image ID: 3883791

Mother's Day turned 101 this year. While we associate this holiday with cards, gifts, and more, Director of Women's Bureau at the Department of Labor, Latifa Lyles points out  that there are other ways we can value mothers. In Hold the Flowers: 3 Mother's Day Messages that Matter, she presents three messages that we probably won't find in any greeting cards but would mean a lot to working moms.

Latifa Lyles also presented My First Mother's Day while she was  the Acting Director of the Women's Bureau. She wants our nation's daughters to know that the world is full of opportunity. Her work will help ensure that her daughter will grow up in a world where women have the same opportunities as men.

To see more resources for mothers, view the Department of Labor's Resources for Women: