Biblio File, Interviews

Ask the Author: Danette Vigilante

Saving Baby Doe Cover

Danette Vigilante grew up in the Red Hook Houses in Brooklyn, NY. She is now a resident of Staten Island along with her husband, two daughters, two puppies and a cat with a bad attitude. Danette is the author of The Trouble With Half a Moon, a 2012-2013 Sunshine State Young Readers award nominee and Saving Baby Doe, a 2014 pick for the New York Public Library’s 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing list.

We were given the opportunity to ask Danette a few questions; here is what we found out!

When and where do you like to read?  

I especially love to read while on vacation, though I have to remember to apply sunscreen! I learned that the hard way while reading at my favorite place, a beach. I was visiting Puerto Rico and was so engrossed in Carrie Ryan’s, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, that I was completely unaware of the blazing sun. Ouch!

What were your favorite books as a child?  

I was a weak reader growing up, but when I finally discovered a love for reading in the fifth grade, I devoured anything by Judy Blume. One of her books in particular stands out though, and that’s Blubber. I remember not being able to put it down. At bedtime I hid beneath the covers reading (and sweating) by the light of a working dollhouse lamp. I loved that lamp!

What books had the greatest impact on you?  

One of the books that had the greatest impact on me is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. Like Francie, I grew up poor and lived in Brooklyn and because of this, I think I was able to identify with her in some ways.

Would you like to name a few writers out there you think deserve greater readership?  

Oh my gosh, there are so many! Here are just a few: Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich author of Eighth-Grade Superzero, Ellen Oh author of Prophecy (The Dragon King Chronicles), Stephanie J. Blake author of The Marble Queen, Danette Haworth author of The Summer of Moonlight Secrets, Susan Beth Pfeffer author of Life as We Knew It, Torrey Maldonado author of Secret Saturdays, Carol Lynch William author of The Chosen One, Karen Sandler author of Tankborn, Renée Watson author of What Momma Left Me and Noni Carter author of Good Fortune.

What was the last book you recommended?  

When I Was the Greatest by Jason Reynolds.

What do you plan to read next?  

Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt.

Ask the Author: Danette Vigilante
April 27, 2015

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