Valentine's Day Books For Children

Valentine's Day is a day when love and friendship are celebrated. 

Valentine's Day by Reagan Miller teaches young readers about the history of Valentine's Day. They will learn about Saint Valentine and why this holiday is celebrated today. Children will also learn about how the holiday is celebrated around the world.

Valentine's Day by Gail Gibbons teaches children about the origins and traditions attributed to Valentine's Day. 

Valentine's Day by Kathryn Imler contains background information on the origins of Valentine's Day. 

Valentine's Day by Trudi Strain Trueit  has photographs that illustrate Valentine's Day festivities. 

In Valentine's Day by Anne Rockwell, Mrs. Madoff's students make Valentine's Day cards to send to a friend in Japan. 

Valentines Day Is by Gail Gibbons this title illustrates the fun festivities of Valentine's Day. 

Foxy in Love by Emma Dodd "Foxy uses his magical tail to help his friend Emily make a Valentine's Day card that reflects all the things she most loves, from birthday cakes and gardens to rainbows and balloons."