NYPLarcade Teen: Sportsfriends

NYPLarcade Teen is an opportunity for teens to play, watch, and discuss independent, experimental, and thought-provoking games in a library setting. Think of it as a book club, but for video games.

We recently concluded a 14-week local multiplayer series, which featured everything from Sophie Houlden's unreleased, steampunk jousting game There Shall be Lancing to the locally-designed (and free to download) Field-1.

Our next series at Muhlenberg Library features Die Gute Fabrik's recently-released Sportsfriends. Inspired by game compilations such as Epyx's Summer Games and Nintendo's Wii Sports, it features four distinct takes on local multiplayer.

All events listed take place in the community room of the Muhlenberg Library and begin at 3:30 p.m. For ages 12 to 18.

May 20, 2014 BaraBariBall Noah Sasso
May 27, 2014 Super Pole Riders Bennett Foddy
June 3, 2014 Hokra Ramiro Corbetta
June 10, 2014 Johann Sebastian Joust Douglas Wilson

Please feel free to contact Thomas Knowlton at thomasknowlton@nypl.org if you have any questions. You can also friend NYPLarcade on Playfire and Steam.