Biblio File
January Author @ the Library Programs at Mid-Manhattan
A mystical history of NYC below Chambers Street… the link between our financial and environmental crises… the life and photographs of Ansel Adams… our always-on, simultaneous society… the government’s use of our personal information… parallels between art and food… cupcakes… the balance of power on the Supreme Court… Google-style rankings of history’s most significant people… fanaticism and the Civil War… the career of muckraker Seymour Hersh… New York’s year of anarchy… good and evil and babies...
Have you resolved to read more, get out more, or learn new things in 2014? Well, if you're interested in any of the topics above, then we've got an Author @ the Library talk for you in January at Mid-Manhattan! We hope you'll join us to hear these distinguished non-fiction authors from a wide variety of fields discuss their work and answer your questions. You can request the authors' books using the links to the catalog included below. Author talks take place at 6:30 p.m. on the 6th floor.
Thursday, January 2: Historian Ronald J. Brown, author of How New York Became the Empire City: A Mythical Tour of Lower Manhattan, tells the story of how a minor Dutch colonial outpost became the Empire City.
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