Barrier-Free Library

Let's Get Social

For a long time, our newsletter, NewsLion, has been our primary way to communicate with people, and while it remains the best way to update the most people on new services, the latest books recorded in our very own Audio Book Studio, upcoming programs, and other services and agencies of interest to our patrons, it is not the most timely of publications. Because it is published only four times a year, we find out about many interesting and useful books, services, and programs too late to include them in the latest issue. To help get the word out between issues, we now have this blog, plus our Facebook ( and Twitter ( accounts.

Facebook and Twitter are great ways to communicate in real time. As soon as we find out about something we know would interest our patrons, we post the information on those websites. And we can then update or repeat the messages as often as we want. We realize not everyone has accounts with those services, so from time to time, we'll post the highlights here on the blog. However, that doesn't mean you can't join the fun on Facebook and other social media websites, so to help, we're offering classes on how to set up and use accounts on these sites.

Getting Social: Workshops for the Social Web

Get connected with friends, family, and your favorite organizations using the web's most popular social media sites. We'll show you how to find friends, navigate the sites, and offer tips for making the sites more accessible. For adults and young adults, ages 13 and up. Participants under age 16 must have the signed permission of a parent or guardian.

If you require assistive technologies to use a computer, such as JAWS or MAGic, you must be skilled in their use before attending this workshop. If you need to learn either JAWS or MAGic, contact the library to set up an appointment.
Social Media Classes on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m.
  • October 21: Facebook
  • November 18: Twitter
  • December 12: LinkedIn
  • You may register by phone (212-206-5400), email (, or in person.

Library Social Web Group

Being friends online doesn't mean the end of face-to-face socializing. We're putting together a group of people who will meet at the library, perhaps monthly, to provide mutual help and support in learning and using Facebook and other social sites, as well as to offer suggestions on how the library can improve its web presence. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, October 26 at 3:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Contact the library if you'd like to be part of this group.

Here are some recent postings from our Facebook page

Service Updates

We're offering 2 new accessories for your Digital Talking Book Machine! Now you can request a headphone adapter for using your NLS headphones with the big 1/4" plug in the new player. There's also a right-angle USB adapter that lets you plug in your flash drive parallel to the machine so it doesn't stick way out.

We've added instructions on our website for transfering a downloaded BARD book on your computer to your digital player: 
Links We Shared
And finally...
The most popular BARD download for Andrew Heiskell Library patrons in July 2010 was Killer's Wedge by Ed McBain - DB 38234. Have you read it yet?