KidsLIVE and TeenLIVE: TeenLIVE presents Scott Westerfeld

September 23, 2014

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Our relationship with literature has changed: authors are more connected to each other and accessible to their fans than ever before. The young adult fiction community in New York City has a particularly rich history of authors coming together as peers and writing partners. Through social media, this community spills over into the wider world of YA fandom. Scott Westerfeld's Afterworlds is both a satire of and homage to this extended network of writers, readers, and creators of fanfiction and fanart. Join Westerfeld with Libba Bray, Maureen Johnson, David Levithan, and Robin Wasserman in exploring the relationship between authors, their writing community, their fans, and their books.

TeenLIVE reaches teens culturally, artistically, inspirationally, technologically, and more with the biggest, best, and the brightest stars. TeenLIVE programs spotlight current cultural trends and important mainstays that inform the lives of today’s teens.

TeenLIVE programs are sponsored by the Andreas C. Dracopoulos Family Endowment for Young Audiences.