Conversations from the Cullman Center: Mark Morris in Conversation with Wendy Lesser

May 5, 2008

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Choreographer Mark Morris and former Cullman Center Fellow Wendy Lesser discuss and celebrate the 20th anniversary of L?Allegro, Il Penseroso, et Il Moderato, Morris's transporting dance project that represents the culmination of a "collaborative" creative enterprise that spans 350 years and encompasses the work of three other artists: John Milton, George Frederic Handel, and William Blake. Mark Morris is the founder and artistic director of the Mark Morris Dance Group, and has choreographed more than 120 works for the company. He is a former Fellow of the MacArthur Foundation and a recipient of the H. Scripps/American Dance Festival lifetime achievement award, among other honors. Wendy Lesser is the founding editor of The Threepenny Review and an award-winning writer and critic whose works include, most recently, Room for Doubt.