Conversations from the Cullman Center: Locavores' Dilemmas

October 21, 2010

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Poet and Journalist Melanie Rehak, Steve Jenkins (The Food Life), Fairway's part-owner and cheese monger extraordinare, and David Shea, the founder of applewood restaurant in Brooklyn, discuss, among other things, Rehak's Eating for Beginners: An Education in the Pleasures of Food from Chefs, Farmers, and One Picky Kid. Their conversation will be moderated by the journalist and author Patrick Radden Keefe (Chatter, The Snakehead).

Visit the Library Book Shop by clicking on the title of the book

Continue this conversation by tuning into The Brian Lehrer show on WNYC, where Rehak will discuss her book throughout November; to find the recent podcasts, click here


   Steve JenkinsSteve JenkinsMelanie RehakMelanie RehakPatrick Radden KeefePatrick Radden Keefe