Conversations from the Cullman Center: James Romm and James Shapiro

March 25, 2014

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In a conversation about James Romm’s latest book, Dying Every Day: Seneca at the Court of Nero, Romm and the Shakespeare scholar James Shapiro discuss the curious relationship between the sage Seneca and the despot Nero in the years between 50 and 68 AD, a period whose tumultuous events include the fire of Rome.

James Romm,  the James H. Ottaway Jr. Professor of Classics at Bard College is the author of several books on ancient Greek and Macedonian history and on imperial Rome, including The Edges of the Earth in Ancient Thoughts, Ghost on the Throne, and The Landmark Arrian: The Campaigns of Alexander. His latest book, Dying Every Day: Seneca at the Court of Nero, which he worked on while a fellow at the Cullman Center in 2010-2011, examines the curious relationship between the sage Seneca and the despot Nero in the years between 50 and 68 AD, a period whose tumultuous events include the fire of Rome.

The Larry Miller Professor of English at Columbia University, James Shapiro is the author of several books on Shakespeare, including 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare, andContested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?, which he worked on while he was a fellow at the Cullman Center in 2006-2007. “The King and the Playwright,” his three-hour documentary on late Shakespeare, aired on BBC4 in 2012. Shapiro edited the forthcoming anthology,Shakespeare in America for the LOA.