Supporters: How to Be Good, featuring Randy Cohen: Friends of the Library Spring 2008 Lecture Luncheon
April 15, 2008
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- Audio (21.1MB MP3, 1 hr 1 min)
How to Be Good
For donors of $100 or more
How do we justify cheating on our taxes? How do we act when we find jewelry in the backseat of a cab? If we can reach a rough consensus on right and wrong, why don’t we all behave virtuously? Randy Cohen—author of the wildly-popular Ethicist column in the New York Times Magazine—explores whether it is character or circumstance that guides our behavior when faced with such dilemmas. Don’t miss your chance to sit down for a challenging and humor-filled lunch with one of America’s best-loved writers.
For information call 212-930-0653 or e-mail