I Paint My House: Traditional Art by African Women
Photographs and Captions by Margaret Courtney-Clarke
The acclaimed photojournalist Margaret Courtney-Clarke has spent more than 20 years traveling in Africa, recording the art of African women. Her contribution to history has been to preserve in her photographs the diverse arts of Africa's traditional cultures. In South Africa and West Africa, women paint their adobe homes with bold designs in brilliant colors. All over the continent, women who live traditionally create pottery and textiles in the spirit of their ancestors. Similarly, dazzling talent at body painting and adornment can be found throughout Africa.
This book of postcards presents 30 splendid examples of African art and design. These photographs introduce the viewer to strikingly different worlds that have--thus far--survived the storms of recent centuries.
Published by Pomegranate in association with the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library, 2004.
Hardcover. $9.95. ISBN 0-7649-2202-5.