

Enjoy enhanced library privileges that combine the resources of all three New  York library systems in one convenient place, with access to millions of items and digital resources. Our teacher sets are also there to help plan your lessons no matter what your grade or subject.

Black History 360°

The Schomburg Center invites teachers to engage with its collection during a weeklong "education vacation." This year's themes include Ancient African Art & Civilization; Slavery and Resistance, Teaching The Negro Motorist Green Book; and Lyrically Speaking: Hip-Hop History.


The Cullman Center Institute for Teachers

This institute offers two programs designed to deepen your understanding of the humanities and facilitate research.

Visit with Your Class

Schedule a visit, whether it's an orientation, a book talk, or a look at NYPL's digital images and databases.

Workshops and Events

The Library hosts many special events, workshops, seminars and insitutes for school-based librarians, teachers and school administrators.

For Teachers Blog

Learn more about our primary sources, professional development opportunities and student learning experiences. Let NYPL help you reach your teaching and learning goals!

Want extra credit? Teach your students how to use the kids and teens sections built for them.