Posts by Nora Dolliver

Labor Day in the Labor Press

From invitations to parades and events to exhortations to abandon the holiday in favor of International Workers' Day on May 1, perspectives on Labor Day are as numerous as the publications themselves.

NYPL Researcher Spotlight: Genta Nishku

"My research focuses on writers who, through silence and the negative space, subvert official narratives on the past, and dominant ideas about passive victimhood, which can be instrumentalized to justify new violence."

A Look Back at NYPL's Rooftop Reading Rooms

In the early 20th century, five libraries located on the cramped Lower East Side operated rooftop reading rooms for children during the summer months.

Finding E-Books from Independent Publishers of Literary Translation

Translation, writes Edith Grossman in Why Translation Matters, “permits us to savor the transformation of the foreign into the familiar and for a brief time to live outside our own skins, our own preconceptions and misconceptions."