Posts by NYPL Staff

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

To better prepare your little one for this big moment, take a look at the books and digital resources we have available.

Reconstructing 1940s Dances of Sophie Maslow and Pearl Primus from the Archives

How do archival materials help researchers piece together impressions of historical performances? A guest post by Jessica Friedman, 2019 NYPL Short-term Research Fellow with the Jerome Robbins Dance Division.

Ethan Hawke: Do people really still use libraries?

Just last night, my 16-year-old son asked me, "Do people really still use libraries?" I was happy to be able to tell him yes. It's a fact: More people than ever are visiting their neighborhood branches and using the myriad free resources the Library provides.The public library is a more vital community center than ever before.

Ronald Clark Shares Stories and Photos of Living Inside a Branch of The New York Public Library

When the Library's branches were heated by coal, many had a custodian who lived inside the branch, often with family, to keep the building warm. Raymond Clark, custodian for over three decades, lived at NYPL's Washington Heights Library with his son Ronald and granddaughter Jamilah.